Payment errors returned in response by LiqPay system
How it works?
Notifications and errors that are being sent by Liqpay in a case when status of a request is failure or error.
Response example with failed status:
  "status"         : "error",
  "err_code"       : "err_auth",
  "err_description" : "Authorization is required"
Error Codes
Anti-Fraud Errors
limitThe limit for the amount or number of customer payments has been exceeded
frodTransaction identified as atypical/risky according to Anti-Fraud rules of the Bank
declineThe transaction is defined as atypical/risky according to the Anti-Fraud system of the Bank
Non-financial errors
err_authAuthorization is required
err_cacheTime for data storage of this operation is expired
user_not_foundUser is not found
err_sms_sendFailed to send sms
err_sms_otpWrong sms password
shop_blockedStore is blocked
shop_not_activeStore is not active
invalid_signatureWrong payment signature
order_id_emptyOrder_id is empty
err_shop_not_agentYou are not the agent of the specified store
err_card_def_notfoundCard for payments receiving is not found in wallet
err_no_card_tokenUser has no card with such token
err_card_liqpay_defEnter another card
err_card_typeWrong card type
err_card_countryEnter another card
err_limit_amountAmount of payment is more or less than the limit
err_payment_amount_limitAmount of payment is more or less than the limit
amount_limitAmount limit was exceeded
payment_err_sender_cardSpecify another sender card
payment_processingPayment is processing
err_payment_discountNo discount for the payment
err_walletFailed to load the wallet
err_get_verify_codeCard verification is required
err_verify_codeWrong verification code
wait_infoAdditional information is being expected
err_pathWrong request url
err_payment_cash_acqPayment cannot be effected in this shop
err_split_amountSplit amount is not equal to the payment amount
err_card_receiver_defReceiver didn't set the card to receive payments
payment_err_statusWrong payment status
public_key_not_foundPublic_key is not found
payment_not_foundPayment is not found
payment_not_subscribedPayment is not recurring
wrong_amount_currencyPayment currency does not match with debit currency
err_amount_holdAmount cannot be more than the payment amount
err_accessAccess error
order_id_duplicateorder_id is already existing in the system
err_blockedAccess to account is not granted
err_emptyParameter is not filled
err_empty_phonePhone parameter is not filled
err_missingParameter is not transferred
err_wrongWrong parameter specified
err_wrong_currencyWrong currency. Please use: USD, UAH, EUR
err_phoneWrong phone number
err_cardWrong card number
err_card_binCard bin is not found
err_terminal_notfoundTerminal is not found
err_commission_notfoundCommission is not found
err_payment_createFailed to create payment
err_mpiFailed to verify card
err_currency_is_not_allowedCurrency is prohibited
err_lookFailed to finish the transaction
err_mods_emptyFailed to finish the transaction
payment_err_typeWrong payment type
err_payment_currencyCard or payment currency are prohibited
err_payment_exchangeratesMatching currency exchange rate is not found
err_signatureWrong payment signature
err_api_actionAction parameter is not sent in request
err_api_callbackCallback parameter is not transferred
err_api_ipIP is not allowed for this merchant
expired_phoneThe payment confirmation period conducted by entering the cell phone number has expired
expired_3dsTime for 3DS verification of a client has expired
expired_otpTme for confirming the payment by OTP password has expired
expired_cvvTime for confirming the payment by entering the CVV code has expired
expired_p24Time for choosing the card in Privat24 has expired
expired_senderTime for receiving the sender's data has expired
expired_pinTime for confirming the payment by pin-code of the card has expired
expired_ivrTime for confirming the payment by IVR has expired
expired_captchaTime for confirming the payment with the help of captcha has expired
expired_passwordTime for confirming the payment by the Privat24 password has expired
expired_senderappTime for confirming the payment by application in Privat24 has expired
expired_preparedTime for completing the created payment has expired
expired_mpTime for completing the payment in MasterPass wallet has expired
expired_qrTime for confirming the payment by scanning the QR code has expired
5Card does not support 3DSecure
Financial errors
90General error during processing
101Token isn't owned by this merchant
102Received token is not active
103Limiting the amount of purchases has been reached
104Recurring transactions limit exceeded
105Financial errors
106Merchant is not allowed preauthorization
107Acquirer not participating
108No such token
109IP usage limit has bean reached
110Session has expired
111Card branch is blocked
112Card daily limit reached by branch
113Temporarily closed the possibility of P2P payments from PB cards to the cards of foreign banks
114Limit for completions reached
115Invalid recipient name
2903Daily card usage limit is exceeded
2915Order_id is already existing in the system
3914Payments for this country are not allowed
9851Expired card
9852Wrong card number
9854Payment is declined. Try later
9855Card is not allowed for such type of transaction
9857Card is not allowed for such type of transaction
9859Insufficient funds
9860Amount of transactions limit is exceeded
9861The limit for paying on the Internet is exceeded
9863There is a limit on the card. Contact the bank support
9867Wrong payment amount
9868Payment is declined. Bank didn't approve the transaction. Please contact the bank
9872Bank didn't approve the transaction. Please contact the bank
9882Wrong parameters or payment is not allowed
9886Merchant is not allowed recurring payments
9961Payment is declined. Contact the bank support
9989Payment is declined. Please check if the card details are correct