Payment errors returned in response by LiqPay system
How it works?
Notifications and errors that are being sent by Liqpay in a case when status of a request is failure or error.
Response example with failed status:
"status" : "error",
"err_code" : "err_auth",
"err_description" : "Authorization is required"
Error Codes
Err_code | Err_description | |
Anti-Fraud Errors | ||
limit | The limit for the amount or number of customer payments has been exceeded | |
frod | Transaction identified as atypical/risky according to Anti-Fraud rules of the Bank | |
decline | The transaction is defined as atypical/risky according to the Anti-Fraud system of the Bank | |
Non-financial errors | ||
err_auth | Authorization is required | |
err_cache | Time for data storage of this operation is expired | |
user_not_found | User is not found | |
err_sms_send | Failed to send sms | |
err_sms_otp | Wrong sms password | |
shop_blocked | Store is blocked | |
shop_not_active | Store is not active | |
invalid_signature | Wrong payment signature | |
order_id_empty | Order_id is empty | |
err_shop_not_agent | You are not the agent of the specified store | |
err_card_def_notfound | Card for payments receiving is not found in wallet | |
err_no_card_token | User has no card with such token | |
err_card_liqpay_def | Enter another card | |
err_card_type | Wrong card type | |
err_card_country | Enter another card | |
err_limit_amount | Amount of payment is more or less than the limit | |
err_payment_amount_limit | Amount of payment is more or less than the limit | |
amount_limit | Amount limit was exceeded | |
payment_err_sender_card | Specify another sender card | |
payment_processing | Payment is processing | |
err_payment_discount | No discount for the payment | |
err_wallet | Failed to load the wallet | |
err_get_verify_code | Card verification is required | |
err_verify_code | Wrong verification code | |
wait_info | Additional information is being expected | |
err_path | Wrong request url | |
err_payment_cash_acq | Payment cannot be effected in this shop | |
err_split_amount | Split amount is not equal to the payment amount | |
err_card_receiver_def | Receiver didn't set the card to receive payments | |
payment_err_status | Wrong payment status | |
public_key_not_found | Public_key is not found | |
payment_not_found | Payment is not found | |
payment_not_subscribed | Payment is not recurring | |
wrong_amount_currency | Payment currency does not match with debit currency | |
err_amount_hold | Amount cannot be more than the payment amount | |
err_access | Access error | |
order_id_duplicate | order_id is already existing in the system | |
err_blocked | Access to account is not granted | |
err_empty | Parameter is not filled | |
err_empty_phone | Phone parameter is not filled | |
err_missing | Parameter is not transferred | |
err_wrong | Wrong parameter specified | |
err_wrong_currency | Wrong currency. Please use: USD, UAH, EUR | |
err_phone | Wrong phone number | |
err_card | Wrong card number | |
err_card_bin | Card bin is not found | |
err_terminal_notfound | Terminal is not found | |
err_commission_notfound | Commission is not found | |
err_payment_create | Failed to create payment | |
err_mpi | Failed to verify card | |
err_currency_is_not_allowed | Currency is prohibited | |
err_look | Failed to finish the transaction | |
err_mods_empty | Failed to finish the transaction | |
payment_err_type | Wrong payment type | |
err_payment_currency | Card or payment currency are prohibited | |
err_payment_exchangerates | Matching currency exchange rate is not found | |
err_signature | Wrong payment signature | |
err_api_action | Action parameter is not sent in request | |
err_api_callback | Callback parameter is not transferred | |
err_api_ip | IP is not allowed for this merchant | |
expired_phone | The payment confirmation period conducted by entering the cell phone number has expired | |
expired_3ds | Time for 3DS verification of a client has expired | |
expired_otp | Tme for confirming the payment by OTP password has expired | |
expired_cvv | Time for confirming the payment by entering the CVV code has expired | |
expired_p24 | Time for choosing the card in Privat24 has expired | |
expired_sender | Time for receiving the sender's data has expired | |
expired_pin | Time for confirming the payment by pin-code of the card has expired | |
expired_ivr | Time for confirming the payment by IVR has expired | |
expired_captcha | Time for confirming the payment with the help of captcha has expired | |
expired_password | Time for confirming the payment by the Privat24 password has expired | |
expired_senderapp | Time for confirming the payment by application in Privat24 has expired | |
expired_prepared | Time for completing the created payment has expired | |
expired_mp | Time for completing the payment in MasterPass wallet has expired | |
expired_qr | Time for confirming the payment by scanning the QR code has expired | |
5 | Card does not support 3DSecure | |
Financial errors | ||
90 | General error during processing | |
101 | Token isn't owned by this merchant | |
102 | Received token is not active | |
103 | Limiting the amount of purchases has been reached | |
104 | Recurring transactions limit exceeded | |
105 | Financial errors | |
106 | Merchant is not allowed preauthorization | |
107 | Acquirer not participating | |
108 | No such token | |
109 | IP usage limit has bean reached | |
110 | Session has expired | |
111 | Card branch is blocked | |
112 | Card daily limit reached by branch | |
113 | Temporarily closed the possibility of P2P payments from PB cards to the cards of foreign banks | |
114 | Limit for completions reached | |
115 | Invalid recipient name | |
2903 | Daily card usage limit is exceeded | |
2915 | Order_id is already existing in the system | |
3914 | Payments for this country are not allowed | |
9851 | Expired card | |
9852 | Wrong card number | |
9854 | Payment is declined. Try later | |
9855 | Card is not allowed for such type of transaction | |
9857 | Card is not allowed for such type of transaction | |
9859 | Insufficient funds | |
9860 | Amount of transactions limit is exceeded | |
9861 | The limit for paying on the Internet is exceeded | |
9863 | There is a limit on the card. Contact the bank support | |
9867 | Wrong payment amount | |
9868 | Payment is declined. Bank didn't approve the transaction. Please contact the bank | |
9872 | Bank didn't approve the transaction. Please contact the bank | |
9882 | Wrong parameters or payment is not allowed | |
9886 | Merchant is not allowed recurring payments | |
9961 | Payment is declined. Contact the bank support | |
9989 | Payment is declined. Please check if the card details are correct |