Transfer of funds from cards to account
Acceptance of payment from the client using the p2p debit method
What is payment by p2p debit card?
Payment by card using the p2p debit transaction type.
LiqPay icon_token_blue
Save token for next payment.
How does the payment by p2p debit card work
  1. The client makes the payment on your website.
  2. When paying, the client fills in the card details on your website and you generate a request from your server to the LiqPay URL - in the request you give the card number, validity period and CVV, as well as the rest of the set of parameters according to the technical documentation.
  3. LiqPay processes the request and returns the result.
  4. To get the transaction status on your server URL, use the Callback API.
With appropriate level of PCI DSS certification
According to the rules of Mastercard/Visa, a certificate is required as well as the interaction with the LiqPay passes through server-server method, the customer enters the card details on the website.
Without certification PCI DSS
Integration within public API Checkout or Payment widget.
To receive access to the API, you need:
  1. To have the appropriate level of PCI DSS certification, depending on the number of transactions per year
  2. Apply for connection
Send a request
Integration within public API Checkout action p2pdebit
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