Google Pay
Easy way to pay from Google.
Options for generating data:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |
version | Required | Number | Version API. Current value - 3 | |
public_key | Required | String | Public key - the store identifier. You can get the key in the store settings | |
action | Required | String | pay, hold | |
amount | Required | Number | Payment amount. For example: 5, 7.34 | |
currency | Required | String | Payment currency. Possible values: USD, EUR, UAH | |
description | Required | String | Payment description | |
order_id | Required | String | Unique purchase ID in your shop. Maximum length is 255 symbols | |
phone | Optional | String | Payer's phone number. The OTP-password will be sent to this telephone number to confirm your payment, and the linked payer's LiqPay cabinet. The telephone number should be indicated in the international format (Ukraine +380). For example: +380950000001 (with +) or 380950000001 (without +) | |
paytype | Required | String | gpay_tavv | |
tavv | Required | String | A cryptogram is a dynamic one-time code for each transaction that accompanies a token. It is obtained when decrypting payment data from the Android device | |
language | Optional | String | Customer's language uk, en | |
result_url | Optional | String | URL of your shop where the buyer would be redirected after completion of the purchase. Maximum length 510 symbols | |
server_url | Optional | String | URL API in your store for notifications of payment status change (server -> server). Maximum length is 510 symbols. Learn more | |
card | Required | String | Card token obtained by decrypting data from an Google device | |
card_exp_month | Required | String | Expiry month of the payer's token. For example: 08 | |
card_exp_year | Required | String | Expiry year of the payer's token. For example: 19 |
Sender parameters:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |
sender_address | Optional | String | Sender's address | |
sender_city | Optional | String | Sender's city | |
sender_country_code | Optional | String | Country code of the sender. Digital ISO 3166-1 code | |
sender_first_name | Optional | String | Sender's first name | |
sender_last_name | Optional | String | Sender's last name | |
sender_postal_code | Optional | String | Sender's zip code |
Parameters of splitting the payments:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |
split_rules | Optional | String | Payment with a split amount for a few receivers. This parameter is a JSON array containing split rules. While using the split_rules parameter, the card is being charged and the amount is split and credited to a few receivers. If you need to convey your purpose for each amount use the parameter description. If you need to fiscalize payment, you should add the object rro_info into each part of the split rules. Acquiring fee is being charged from each receiver in the split_rules. Example JSON string: |
Other parameters:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |
dae | Optional | String | Detail Addenda. Required for merchants with MCC 4511 Parameter dae is JSON string, to which function base64. JSON can contain the parameters shown in the example Example of parameter dae: ewogICJhaXJMaW5lIjogIkROSVBST0FWSUEiLAogICJ0aWNrZXROdW1iZXIiOiAiQUNTRkQxMjM1NFNBIiwKICAicGFzc2VuZ2VyTmFtZSI6ICJKb2huIERvZSIsCiAgImZsaWdodE51bWJlciI6ICI3NDIiLAogICJvcmlnaW5DaXR5IjogIkRQIiwKICAiZGVzdGluYXRpb25DaXR5IjogIk5ZIiwKICAiZGVwYXJ0dXJlRGF0ZSI6ICIxMDA1MTQiCn0= |
info | Optional | String | Information to add details to payment. For example: «External information for payments» | |
product_category | Optional | String | Product category in your shop. The maximum length is 25 symbols | |
product_description | Optional | String | Product description in your shop. The maximum length is 500 symbols | |
product_name | Optional | String | Product name in your shop. The maximum length is 100 symbols | |
product_url | Optional | String | Product page address. The maximum length is 2000 symbols |