QR-code payment
QR-code generation for cliet's payment via Privat24 mobile bank
What is the QR-code payment?
QR-code generation for purchase of goods or services via mobile bank Privat24.
LiqPay icon-qr
One click payment via QR-code.
This is enough for client just to scan generated QR-code and select the card from list in the wallet and press «Pay» button
LiqPay icon_split
Splitting the payment into several recipients.
LiqPay icon_token
Save token for next payment.
How the QR-code payment works
  1. Client selects the goods on your website.
  2. You are generating unique QR-code for purchase or goods itself using API QR-code payment.
  3. Client scans QR-code via mobile banking Privat24 and confirms the payment viaform in application.
  4. Payment will be made from the customer's default card, if it was previously installed. If the default card is not installed - the client can choose another card from the list.
  5. Client presses «Pay» button - payment goes in 1 clink.
  6. LiqPay processes the request for payment transcaction
To get the status of the transaction to the URL of your server, use the API Callback.
For this API certificate PCI DSS is not required. Integration within the API QR-code payment.
Integration within the public API Checkout or Payment widget.
SDK mobile libraries:
LiqPay androidLiqPay ios
SDK for programming language:
LiqPay phpLiqPay javaLiqPay pythonLiqPay rubyLiqPay erlangLiqPay nodejsLiqPay Perl_greenLiqPay Haskell_greenLiqPay go
Do you have any questions?
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