Token payment
Withdrawal from client's card by card's token
What is the payment by token?
Funds withdrawal from client's card without re-enter of card details. You are receiving unique client's card token - withdrawal will be made without any click. Client doesn't need to go to the website or fill out the card details. Client's card token can be stored on company's server.
LiqPay icon_oneclick_blue
Repeat payment for client in 1 clic - without neccessary to put card details everytime
LiqPay icon_split_blue
Splitting the payment for a few recipients
How the payment by token API works
  1. Client pays for the service on your website for the first time - payment is going through payment page Checkout or other APIs
  2. After successful payment you receive a client card token in reply from LiqPay.
  3. For subsequent payments, you only need to transfer a card token in the request, for the operation.
To receive access to the API, you need
Send a request
SDK mobile libraries:
LiqPay androidLiqPay ios
SDK for programming language:
LiqPay phpLiqPay javaLiqPay pythonLiqPay rubyLiqPay erlangLiqPay nodejsLiqPay Perl_greenLiqPay Haskell_greenLiqPay go
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